
Congratulations on Your New Role as Manager!



Embarking on this new journey can be exciting yet daunting. With a team now looking to you for guidance, your role involves understanding diverse needs and making significant decisions. Remember, success now hinges not just on your achievements but on your team’s performance under your leadership.

New role as a manager

New role as a manager

Here are some tips to help you transition smoothly:

Embrace Accountability

  • Follow through on commitments.
  • Avoid making impossible promises.
  • Build trust and set measurable standards.

Following through with what you say and avoiding impossible promises will nurture trust along with setting a measurable standard for your team. Be transparent about your decision-making process so your team understands the rationale behind your actions.

Be Approachable

  • Ensure your team feels comfortable engaging with you.
  • Avoid intimidating your employees to foster open communication.

It’s essential that your staff feel comfortable engaging with you. If anyone feels intimidated, they will never interact or, in extreme cases, leave employment. Try to have regular one-on-one check-ins and be available for questions or concerns.

Practice Active Listening

  • Notice body language and verbal cues.
  • Use eye contact and reflect their words to show attention.

This means taking in what is being communicated thoroughly. It goes deeper than just hearing. Notice body language and similar verbal cues to better understand what is said. Eye contact and using the other person’s words back to them will make them feel like you are giving them your full attention.

Ask Questions

  • Seek advice and gather information.
  • Show strength by making informed decisions.
  • Earn respect through thoughtful leadership.

A manager who asks a lot of questions is not weak or lacking in anything – it demonstrates a willingness to learn. Being certain that your decision is best for the company and your team will earn your respect. Learning your staff’s unique skills will help you delegate tasks to those who are most compatible. Similarly, ask those with knowledge and experience for advice.

Balance Authority and Friendliness

  • Avoid favouritism and maintain impartiality.
  • Lead with balanced authority to gain respect.

It’s good to feel liked, most of us care about what others think. As a manager, you are responsible for a team, and being overly friendly may lead to favouritism or less impartiality.

Lead Effectively and Build a Successful Team

  • Apply these strategies for a rewarding management experience.
  • Foster respect and rapport within your team.

A team needs leading and will respect a balanced authority figure who does not allow personal aspects to govern work decisions. Find the right balance between being personable and maintaining professional boundaries.

Applying these strategies can make management rewarding and enjoyable, fostering respect and rapport within your team.

Did you know our evolve hub courses include Becoming a Manager.

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