Alarming Burnout Rates

Alarming Burnout Rates

Alarming Burnout Rates  Are you feeling overwhelmed at work? You're not alone. A shocking new study reveals that nearly three-quarters of U.K. workers are experiencing significant burnout. Let's...

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Pregnant Hairdresser Receives Payout

Pregnant Hairdresser Receives Payout

Pregnant Hairdresser Receives Discrimination Payout  In a landmark ruling, Kayleigh Flanagan, a hairdresser from Thatcham, West Berkshire, has been awarded nearly £90,000 after facing workplace...

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Motivation in Human Resources

Motivation in Human Resources

Beyond the Carrot and Stick: The Truth Behind Motivation in Human Resources  As we approach 2025, the landscape of human resources continues to evolve, and with it, our understanding of what truly...

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Enhancing Employee Retention

Enhancing Employee Retention

Enhancing Employee Retention  In today's evolving work landscape, employee retention should be a top priority for organisations. With many* employees considering leaving their jobs this year, and...

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