
Overlooking Older Employees for Workplace Training


Overlooking Older Employees for Workplace Training

learning and development

learning and development

  • One in three UK employees are over the age of 50 are being denied opportunities to upskill and reskill.
  • Over half of employees aged 55 and over have not received any management or leadership training in their current role.
  • In contrast, two-thirds (67%) of those aged 23-38 have received training to develop their management and leadership skills.

Lack of Digital Skills Training for Older Workers

  • Over half (55%) of employees aged 55+ have not received any training from their employer on using digital tools and technologies, such as ChatGPT, in the past 12 months.
  • This is more than double the number of 18–25-year-olds (27%) who have missed out on this critical training.

Neglecting ‘Human’ Skills for Older Employees

  • Employees aged over 55 are least likely to have received workplace training on ‘human’ skills like empathy, mental health awareness, and emotional intelligence.
  • Only 25% of over 55s have received this training, compared to an average of 39% across all age groups.

The Value of Upskilling Older Workers

  • Over half (54%) of employees aged 55+ say professional development is an important factor in deciding to stay with an organisation.
  • One in five (19%) over 55s don’t feel confident in their current skill set to find new employment or pivot their career if needed, compared to just 8% of under 55s.

The findings are from Corndel’s Workplace Training Report 2024, based on research conducted with 1,000 UK employees and 250 HR decision makers at large organisations.

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