Overcoming the Micromanagement Trap

Overcoming the Micromanagement Trap

Overcoming the Micromanagement Trap        Understanding the Micromanagement Mindset Micromanagement is a common, yet counterproductive leadership style characterised by a manager's excessive...

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The Decline in Employee Training Spending

The Decline in Employee Training Spending

The Decline in Employee Training Spending: A Short-Sighted Approach    Recent findings from the New Economics Foundation (NEF) have revealed a significant 20% decline in overall business spending on...

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My dedication to Human Resources

My dedication to Human Resources

My dedication to Human Resources  Well this came as a bit of a surprise last week! CIPD My dedication to the field was recognised with the prestigious 20-year CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel...

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Navigating employment law changes in 2024

Navigating employment law changes in 2024

Navigating employment law changes in 2024    This year is set to witness a few changes in employment law, marked by the implementation of a series of regulations starting in January, with more on...

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Why invest in Training & Development?

Why invest in Training & Development?

Why invest in Training & Development?  When we talk about training and development, we are referring to the process of enhancing employees' skills, knowledge, abilities, and attitudes to improve...

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