The protected characteristics explained.

The protected characteristics explained.

The protected characteristics explained.    The Equality Act 2010 identifies nine characteristics as "protected characteristics," which are subject to significant discrimination in areas such as...

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My dedication to Human Resources

My dedication to Human Resources

My dedication to Human Resources  Well this came as a bit of a surprise last week! CIPD My dedication to the field was recognised with the prestigious 20-year CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel...

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Navigating employment law changes in 2024

Navigating employment law changes in 2024

Navigating employment law changes in 2024    This year is set to witness a few changes in employment law, marked by the implementation of a series of regulations starting in January, with more on...

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Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying      Employers are tasked with safeguarding employees from workplace bullying, a challenge that can be perplexing to address effectively. Understanding Workplace Bullying:...

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