Many businesses have experienced frustrations with large national HR companies that promise comprehensive solutions but often fall short in practice. Have you? If you've worked with such a...
Gaslighting at work
Gaslighting in the workplace Gaslighting at work: what it is and how to handle it. While the term “gaslighting” might be a bit trendy these days, it describes a serious issue that's been...
Workplace Bullying
Workplace Bullying Employers are tasked with safeguarding employees from workplace bullying, a challenge that can be perplexing to address effectively. Understanding Workplace Bullying:...
Bad Management: A Driving Force Behind Employee Turnover
Bad Management: A Driving Force Behind Employee Turnover Employee turnover is a significant concern for organisations across industries. While there are multiple factors that contribute to an...
How to write an employment contract?
What is HR compliance ? Let's talk about HR compliance? The definition of compliance is the act of obeying a particular law or rule or acting according to an agreement. All organisations must...
Imagine a world with no HR
If you don’t have HR in your company who does the recruitment, selection, inductions? Who ensures that you company is fully compliant with constantly changing employment law?