What is The Trust Equation?

What is The Trust Equation?

What is the Trust Equation?                                 The Trust Equation In 2000, Harvard professors David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, and Robert M. Galford published a book called “The...

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What is organisational culture?

What is organisational culture?

What is Organisational Culture?  What is organisational culture and why is it important? Organisational culture is the key to business success. It shapes attitudes and behaviours within an...

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Mediation at work?

Mediation at work?

What is Mediation at work?  Mediation at work Mediation or mediator is an impartial third party to help resolve workplace conflict or disputes. It’s often described as a form of alternative or...

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Why would I outsource my  HR function?

Why would I outsource my HR function?

Why outsource your HR?   What is outsourcing? Outsourcing is the business practice which involves contracting business services from an external provider. Outsourcing was first recognised as a...

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Addressing alcoholism in the workplace

Addressing alcoholism in the workplace

Addressing alcoholism in the workplace  Are you concerned that alcoholism may be present in your workplace? Have you spotted your employees consuming alcohol at work? Maybe you’ve identified...

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Managing difficult employees

Managing difficult employees

As a line manager we have all had (or have) that problem employee. The time spent in dealing with such employees is disproportional and is emotionally and energy draining.

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Imagine a world with no HR

Imagine a world with no HR

If you don’t have HR in your company who does the recruitment, selection, inductions? Who ensures that you company is fully compliant with constantly changing employment law?

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